Free Energy Cleaner with the purchase of our Grand Assortment pack!


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Free Energy Cleaner with the purchase of The Grand Assortment Package


Free Energy Cleaner (value of $285.00) and Free shipping to lower 48 states, when you purchase our Grand Assortment package here:


Details on the Energy Cleaner below:

What  it  is:

A therapeutic method and apparatus to induce the healing of tissue cells by an electrical stimulus to a tissue area with the problematic condition by the application of low density charges of alternate polarities. The apparatus performs the therapeutic function by alternately charging and discharging the cells in 15 minute intervals over periods time from 1 to 12 hours.

Claims What is claimed is:

1. A system for stimulating healing of tissue cells in a patient, comprising:

  • a circuit for providing intermittent low voltages of opposite polarities;
  • a conductive treatment surface in the circuit that contacts and supports the patient during a therapeutic application;
  • a conductive wire mesh electrode communicating with the circuit and adapted to be positioned an optimal distance above the tissue that is designated for treatment wherein the treatment surface comprises a pair of oppositely charged conductive plates to provide a low current electrical field for discharge of corona emanations comprising a patient’s aura;
  • a Tesla coil and a Kirlian photography device, wherein the tissue includes an aura discharge that is visible by enhancement using the Tesla coil and Kirlian photography device, wherein the electrode position corresponds to the tissue that manifests a health disturbance in its associated aura;
  • and means for alternately charging and discharging the circuit to tissue cells of a patient directed to the health disturbance manifested in the aura by said Kirlian photography device.

2. The system of claim 1, wherein the means for alternately charging and discharging the circuit to tissue cells comprises a polarity switch for controlling a current direction in the circuit to stimulate healing by a plurality of polarity reversals for a plurality of intervals in a therapeutic application.

3. The system of claim 2, wherein the power source comprises a direct current source.

4. The system of claim 3, wherein the direct current source comprises a pair of batteries connected in parallel.

5. The system according to claim 4, wherein each of the batteries comprises a 10-D cell battery.

6. The system according to claim 5, wherein each interval comprises a time period of essentially 15 minutes.

7. The system according to claim 6, wherein the therapeutic application continues over a total period of from 1 to 12 hours.

8. A process for patient diagnosis to locate an area of tissue having a malady that is not readily discernible by modem diagnostics, using a Tesla coil with Kirlian photography, wherein a patient is supported on a treatment surface comprising a pair of oppositely charged conductive plates to provide a low current electrical field for discharge of corona emanations comprising the patient’s aura that includes color, shape and energy positions, comprising the steps of:

a) applying an electrical field to the patient using the Tesla coil to produce the visible aura;

b) photographing the patient’s aura using Kirlian photography;

c) interpreting the aura by finding areas where the aura appears incomplete; and,

d) diagnosing the location of the malady in the tissue associated with the incomplete aura.

9. A process for stimulating healing of tissue by rejuvenation of cells using an apparatus that includes a circuit with a power source for providing intermittent low voltages of opposite polarities; a conductive wire mesh electrode communicating with the power source; a conductive treatment surface on the circuit that contacts and supports the patient during a therapeutic application; and, a means for alternately charging and discharging the circuit to tissue cells of a patient, comprising the steps of:

a) applying a steady state charge to the tissue that manifests a health disturbance;

b) photographing the aura of a patient to determine the area where the aura appears incomplete;

c) locating the tissue associated with the incomplete aura;

d) positioning the conductive wire mesh electrode at an optimal distance above the tissue for electrical treatment to stimulate healing;

e) reversing a polarity of the charge to the tissue for alternately charging and discharging the circuit to tissue cells of the patient and consequent acceleration of tissue healing.


The present invention relates to therapeutic methods and apparatuses, and more particularly to a method and device to stimulate the healing of living tissue by repairing damaged aura.

An aura is an invisible envelope of vital energy, which apparently radiates from everything in nature: minerals, plants, animals, and humans. It is not visible to normal vision, but may be seen by those who are sensitive to these emanations as a halo of light. It often appears as a multicolored mist that fades off into space with no definite boundary, and having sparks, rays, and streamers.

Much of what is purported to be known about the aura is based on paranormal experiences where no scientific evidence has been found to prove its existence. The body does, however, have a magnetic field, a biofield, as it is called, but it is far too weak to account for a light-emitting aura. Even if the field were many times stronger, it still would be insufficient to emit light. It has been theorized that the aura might actually be a form of light that emanates at frequencies beyond the normal range of vision, caused by some yet-to-be-discovered light emitting substance embedded in living organisms. Another theory suggests that those who are sensitive to these emanations, who say they see the aura, may in fact see the magnetic field, which may register as light, perhaps because of some sort of sensitive magnetic detector in the brain.


The emanation of vital energy from life forms is believed to have originated in ancient times, and appears in the writings and art of Egypt, India, Greece, and Rome. In the sixteenth century, Paracelsus was one of the first Western scholars to expound upon the astral body, which he described as a “fiery globe.” In the eighteenth century, the clairvoyant Emanuel Swedenborg said in his Spiritual Diary that “there is a spiritual sphere surrounding every one, as well as a natural and corporal one.”

The scientific study of the aura began in the late eighteenth century, when Franz Anton Mesmer put forth the theory of “animal magnetism,” an electromagnetic force that could be transmitted from one person to another and effect healing. In 1845, Baron Karl von Reichenbach, a German chemist, announced the discovery of the “odic force” energy. Reich-enbach’s clairvoyant test subjects sat in darkened rooms and saw flame-like energy radiating from fingertips, animals, plants, magnets, and certain crystals. The subjects described seeing flames of red, orange, green, and violet, which alternately appeared and disappeared; a violet-red, which disappeared in a smokelike vapor; and intermingled in streamers, sparks and stars among all colors.

Shortly before World War I, Dr. Walter J. Kilner, who was in charge of electrotherapy at St. Thomas’s Hospital in London, discovered that an apparent human aura could be made visible if viewed through an apparatus containing a coal-tar dye called dicyanin, which made ultraviolet light visible.

Kilner saw the aura as a faint haze, which sometimes could be separated into two or three portions. It enveloped the whole body. Men in good health all showed the same aura characteristics, women, however, varied. In childhood their auras appeared the same as males, but by adulthood were more developed and more refined in texture, according to Kilner.

He divided the aura into three parts: (1) the etheric double, a transparent dark space, narrow and often obliterated by the second band; (2) the inner aura, fairly constant in size and the densest portion; and (3) the outer aura, varied in size, which often appears blended into the inner aura. He also observed rays emanating from the body in healthy people. Kilner noticed that the aura reflected the state of health, and by 1919, formulated a method of auric diagnosis of illness. In some cases the aura was affected only locally, while in other illnesses, the entire aura was affected; as the patient recovered, so did the aura. Kilner also noticed that weak, depleted auras drains the auric energy of healthy, vigorous auras around them.

Kilner published the results of his early research in The Human Aura in 1911. It was greeted with a great deal of skepticism, but he continued his experiments, attracting the interest of Sir Oliver Lodge. Kilner’s work was interrupted by World War I. In 1920, he published a revised edition of his book, which was sympathetically reviewed.

Those who are sensitive to emanations from the aura, see the aura as emanating from and interpenetrating the human body. Health and emotion show in various colors, energy patterns or breaks, and clear and cloudy spots.

Physical health appears to be related to the part of the aura that is closest to the body, often called the vital body or etheric body. It is said that illness manifests first in the etheric body, sometimes months or years before its physical symptoms manifest. Except for the etheric body, which appears to directly affect health, the composition of the aura is the subject of conflicting opinions. No two observers see exactly the same aura. Some say they see the entire aura, divided into different layers or bodies, while others say they see only parts of the aura.

Interpretations of the colors seen in the aura vary considerably. There is little agreement by observations made by those sensitive to emanations from the aura, as to what is seen when they view an aura that is exactly same. Some say they see the entire aura, divided into different layers or bodies, while others say they see only parts of the aura. Further, it appears that the aura fluctuates constantly, and that various colors reflect the fluctuations.

To reduce the variability in interpretation and improve the repeatability, Semyon Davidovich Kirlian, a Russian electrician, began work in 1939 that led to the development of techniques purported to record the aura on film.


The general objective of the present invention is to provide a novel tool to aid in the determining the location of a malfunctioning area within the body. This is accomplished by using a means of photographing one’s aura so that it remains as a permanent record, in such a manner, much like that of an X-ray. In addition, the present invention also provides for a novel apparatus to stimulate the therapeutic healing of the damaged living tissue.

The aura is a representation of one’s life force energy, which is an electrical field that surrounds the body. When an aura photograph is taken, there are spots of light that show up in front of the body, which are the energy centers where the nerves come together. An aura camera records the energy density at these energy center locations because there is more energy radiated from these points.

When one’s energy system becomes clogged, and part of the body stops functioning properly, it is not receiving the signals that it should and the aura will have a hole in it. Once the healing process is completed and the body healed, the aura becomes complete, where one once treated will feel good again.

The colors associated with one’s aura show the condition of one’s body and reveal the location of the problematic condition. The aura is given by our body’s energy, which some clairvoyants see and the aura camera shows as colors. In other words, the human body’s energy is visible; the colors depend on the speed. The slower the energy, the stronger the color will be. For example, the slowest vibration is red and the fastest white.

One can also combine the meaning of the aura colors with that of the chakra colors. Chakras are the energy centers in our body. If the energy is a certain color, it means that the attention is mainly centered in a certain part of the body. For example, if one vibrates in yellow, they are sensitive in the stomach area and the third chakra is open or opens up at this time; they may also be involved yellow themes like trying to be independent.

Just taking a nice aura photo is not enough, the interpretation of an aura photo is the most important. To read an aura photo you have to consider it’s many different parts: the shape of the aura, the energy positions and the color of the aura.

Trained therapists can restore the electrical system of the body and open up the channels of energy that run through us. When part of our body becomes clogged or stagnant, it presents itself as pain in that area.

An individual’s aura also contains information of one’s personality. It consists of the electricity spent that one’s body has used in order to function. Spent electricity cannot be stored in an individual and it cannot be discharged into the ground, so when it is discharged into the air, it is referred to as the aura.


In the past, the observation of the aura was only seen by clairvoyants, those who are sensitive in viewing emanations from the aura. It is now believed that the acquired skill of viewing the human aura occurred best when the clairvoyant was having an episode of epilepsy, migraine or other types of neurological disorders.

A method of standardizing the viewing of the human aura was developed using Kirlian photography. Kirlian photography is a technique for photographing objects in the presence of a high frequency, high voltage, low current electrical field. The photographs of which show glowing, multicolored emanations are said to be auras or biofields.

The principle of Kirlian photography and all electrography is the corona discharge phenomenon, which occurs when an electrically grounded object discharges a corona between itself and an electrode generating the electrical field. When the corona discharges are captured on film, they appear as coronas of light.

Various Kirlian techniques have been developed, but the most basic uses a Tesla coil connected to a metal plate. The subject is typically in a darkened room, such a photographer’s dark room, and a photographic film is placed adjacent or behind to the subject. The corona discharge produces illumination in the visible light spectrum that is captured on film.

The Tesla coil that is employed is an air-core transformer that is used as a source of high-frequency power, such as for use with x-ray tubes. It was invented by Nikola Tesla, a prominent Serbian-born American electrical engineer and physicist who discovered the principles of alternating current in 1881 and invented numerous devices and procedures that were seminal to the development of radio and the harnessing of electricity. He was a pioneer in high-tension electricity. His many discoveries and inventions were of great value to the development of radio transmission and to the field of electricity, including an arc-lighting system, the Tesla induction motor, the Tesla coil, and various generators and transformers.

The Tesla coil 100 is best illustrated by referring to the schematic drawing of FIG. 2. An input transformer 110 steps the applied voltage from 110 VAC to approximately 17,000 VAC. Immediately connected across the secondary is a glass-plate capacitor 120. The capacitor serves as an energy storage device, charging up to the voltage of the secondary of step-up transformer 110. When the instantaneous voltage exceeds the breakdown voltage of the air spark gap 130, current flows through the primary coil 140 (L1) of the air core transformer 150. The discharging of capacitor is through the spark gap into the primary coil L1. The larger the capacitor, the greater the current flowing through L1. The resulting voltage appears across the secondary winding 150 (L2) of the air core transformer, which can range from 75,000 to 250,000 volts.

Discharges across the spark gap produces extremely jagged and random pulses of power that are extremely rich in r.f. harmonics. The output voltage is maximum when the primary winding and capacitor are tuned to the resonant frequency of the secondary coil co-acting with its distributed capacitance (not shown). The corona discharge is available at terminal 160, where it can be observed usually in the violet region.

The visible light spectrum ranges from 400 to 700 millimicrons. For example, the three primary colors differ in frequency; where red is between 610 and 700 millimicrons, green is between 500 to 570, and blue, between 450 and 500.

The visual effect that results is from the eye’s ability to distinguish the different wavelengths or frequencies of light. The apparent color of an object depends on the wavelength of the light that it reflects. In white light, an opaque object that reflects all wavelengths appears white and one that absorbs all wavelengths appears black. Any three primary, or spectral, colors can be combined in various proportions to produce any other color sensation. Beams of light are combined “additively,” and red, blue, and green are typically chosen as primaries.

It is known that the aura cannot be viewed directly by most persons, except for those whose are sensitive to these emanations, such as clairvoyants. As shown in FIG. 3, there numerous electromagnetic radiation’s that cannot be directly observed; radio waves require r.f. receivers to be detected, as do microwave sensors and infrared sensors.

Electromagnetic radiation is the result of the acceleration of a charged particle. It does not require a material medium, and can travel through a vacuum. In order of decreasing wavelength and increasing frequency, the various types of electromagnetic radiation are radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, x rays, and gamma radiation. The possible sources of electromagnetic radiation are directly related to wavelength; long radio waves are produced by large antennas such as those used by broadcasting stations; much shorter visible light waves are produced by the motions of charges within atoms; the shortest waves, those of gamma radiation, result from changes within the nucleus of the atom.

It is theorized that the wavelength of the aura may reside in the frequency domain within the gamma region or beyond. By using the Tesla coil in conjunction with the Kirlian photography, the harmonics generated by the Tesla coil combine in such a manner with one’s aura to produce different frequencies that lie within the visible light spectrum, allowing the colored corona discharge to be photographed.

Once the colored photograph of the aura is produced, trained technicians can effectively determine the nature of a malfunction should one be present.

The present invention provides a novel tool to aid in the determining the location of a malfunctioning area within the body. This is accomplished by using a means of photographing one’s aura so that it remains as a permanent record, in such a manner, much like that of an x-ray. In addition, the present invention also provides for a novel apparatus to stimulate the therapeutic healing of the damaged living tissue.

The aura, once detected, shows one’s life force energy, which is an electrical field that surrounds the body. When an aura photograph is taken, there are spots of light that show up in front of the body, which are the energy centers where the nerves come together. An aura camera records the energy density at these energy center locations because there is more energy radiated from these points.

The colors associated with one’s aura show the condition of one’s body and reveal the location of the problematic condition. When the human body’s energy become visible, the colors that are shown depend upon the speed. The slower the energy, the stronger the color will be. For example, the slowest vibration is red and the fastest white.

One can also combine the meaning of the aura colors with that of the chakra colors. Chakras are the energy centers in our body. If the energy is a certain color, it means that the attention is mainly centered in a certain part of the body. For example, if one vibrates in yellow, they are sensitive in the stomach area and the third chakra is open or opens up at this time; they may also be involved yellow themes like trying to be independent.

When one’s energy system malfunctions, and a part of the body stops functioning properly, it is not receiving the signals that it should and the aura will have a hole in it. Once the healing process is completed and the body healed, the aura becomes complete, where one once treated will feel good again.

Reading an aura photograph requires that it be interpreted as a whole, the combined area of it’s many different parts: the shape of the aura, the energy positions and the color of the aura.

Trained therapists can restore the electrical system of the body and open up the channels of energy that runs through us. When part of our body becomes clogged or stagnant, it presents itself as pain in that area.

The electrical system of one’s body can be modified by stimulating the healing process using the apparatus, as shown in FIG. 1A and FIG. 1B. The present invention is comprised of two low voltage direct current sources, each having opposite polarities, the current direction being controlled by a polarity switch. A conductive wire mesh electrode is placed within a distance of 2 to 12 inches above the area to be treated.

The apparatus performs by alternately charging and discharging the cells over periods time from 1 to 12 hours. The static charge is removed by an electric discharge that resulted from the accumulation of electric charge on an insulated body. The accumulated charge manifests itself in one’s aura. The healing of a malfunctioning area can be stimulated by a plurality of polarity reversals in a therapeutic application.

In a typical therapeutic session, the patient lies upon the conductive treatment surface plates 60 and 65. The conductive mesh electrode 50 is placed over the area to be treated, at a distance preferably ranging from 2 to 12 inches. The polarity switch 40 is maintained in the uppermost position for an elapsed period of approximately 15 minutes. During this interval the wire mesh 50 is connected to a negative direct current source, having a low potential. At the end of 15 minutes, the switch 40 is toggled to its lower position, connecting a positive direct current source, having a low potential to the wire mesh electrode 60, again for a period of about 15 minutes. The revered sequence is repeated several times until the therapeutic session is completed.

The placement of the electrode generally corresponds to one of the seven major areas that correspond to the chakra. The therapy, using the apparatus of the present invention, finds usefulness in soft tissue therapy; however it does not prove effective in the treatment of skeletal formations.

In the preferred embodiment, the voltage sources 20 and 30 are 10 “D” cell batteries, all connected in parallel. The voltage can range from the preferred 1.5 DC volts to about three-quarters of a volt. Treatment times can range from as little as one and one-quarter hour to as much as 12 hours of 6 hours per session.

Additional information

Weight 75 kg
Dimensions 24 × 24 × 48 cm


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